WP 1.
Project Management

Activity 1.1 Reporting and operational management
The activities supported by the grant for Project Management and Implementation will be: Defining Project management handbook. Drafting bilateral agreements between the applicant and each partner. Defining reporting templates and periodically developing financial and progress report to the NA. Operational management of the project activities and project teams. Organization and conducting project management face-to-face and virtual meetings. On-going monitoring and evaluation of the project products quality, drafting the Quality Assurance Plan together with internal evaluation/monitoring report.
Activity 1.2 Quality assurance
This activity will be taken care of by the applicant together with the Management Committee and the Scientific Committee. Both panels will ensure that generic deliverables (web site, communication plan, quality plan etc.) and Intellectual Outputs have a high level of scientific and methodological quality. The applicant will draft a Quality Assurance Plan and related report templates
WP 2.
Communication and Dissemination

Activity 2.1 Communication and dissemination plan
Production of a complete plan at the beginning of the project to guide all partners throughout the entire project in each activity concerning the communication of the existence and visibility of the project: how, when and where to disseminate project results
Activity 2.2 Communication templates and graphics
Production of templates for project dissemination materials based upon the guidelines of the communication and dissemination plan (Word template, PowerPoint template, flyer template, Roll-up template). Production of clear guidelines on graphic identity (colours, fonts, shapes and styles) for project materials
Activity 2.3 Communication and dissemination activities
All the activities focused on the communication of results that could require minor expenses (conferences, promotional videos, podcasts, TV presence, press conferences) will be undertaken here.
Activity 2.4 Post-Production and publishing of the videos (IO3)
Hosting, design, creation and uploading of the project website. The site will store project news, partnership info, IOS descriptions and all other kinds of news that the consortium will deem relevant. All project tasks related to ICT (such as the website) are assigned to the applicant.
WP 3.
Heritage Valorization in Europe

Activity 3.1 - Methodology development
Creation of the template of best cases to research.
Activity 3.2 – Research
Selection of Best cases: Each partner will carry out desk research and/or other activities to select 3 best cases/experiences from their home countries. Each partner organization will collaborate to gather contact details of relevant potential users among SMEs and potential professionals.
Activity 3.3 – Geographical map implementation
Some partners will start to implement the online geographical map where the relevant case will be stored.
Activity 3.4 – Uploading of the researched cases
Upload of the researched cases into the interactive map.
WP 4.
Skill set guidelines – Heritage Marketer CV

Activity 4.1 – Development of the Heritage Marketer Profile
Partners will elaborate an outline document with the skills and competencies that will be at the core of the output, following the details described in the Intellectual Output section.
Activity 4.2 - Partners debate and finalization of the product
In the second stage of the creation of IO1, the Heritage Marketer profile will be drafted following the design of activity 4.1. The partners will discuss what kind of profile to produce, what skills and competencies to consider as fundamental and secondary. Partners will merge the final document and propose a graphic layout.
WP 5.
The Heritage Marketer modular training

Activity 5.1 - IO3 methodology development
(Syllabus) + Training course content development.
Activity 5.2 - IO3 Content distribution
The partners will draft a brief feasibility study to assess the correct mix of media, documents and other supports to be used in the elaboration along with the teaching methodologies for the course. The partnership will then distribute the actual production of each module according to the partner area of skills.
Activity 5.3 - Review and integration of modules
Partners will review the content with the scientific committee and then organize the modules in a coherent and accessible training course, then a graphic layout will be decided.