Heritage marketing has at its core the need of an organization of getting connected with its customers, generating empathic connections through the use of narrative universes. The project’s objective is to identify key competences of a new professional, innovative and creative figure, able to make the most out of values and stories: the heritage marketer
Specific Objective 1

Specific Objective 2

Specific Objective 3

Specific Objective 4

Increase and foster the knowledge of VET providers in regard to the possibilities offered by Heritage marketing through the collection of interviews on best cases and the creation of an atlas that will collect them.
Train the teachers, coaches and tutors from VET providers on Heritage Marketing via an online course as to allow them to transmit their knowledge to their students.
Increase the knowledge and interest of unemployed people in Heritage Marketing via the outputs of the project, also expanding their range of interest in the work market.
Via the other three results the project aims at increasing companies’ possibilities and competitiveness in the markets, especially through EU historical peculiarities.